Hyde Park Disabled Adults Residential Enterprises, Inc.
Founded in 1986, DARE plays a key role in the diversity that makes Hyde Park a great place to live.
DARE Building
DARE Residents
Are you looking for housing?
D.A.R.E. is opening its Waitlist.
Independent living for adults with disabilities.
The Waitlist will be officially open on Monday, April 17, 2023, and will close promptly on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 4:00pm.
The following documents contain waitlist applications and additional information:
HUD requires the pre-application and prospect forms to be printed out and signed in ink by the applicant, then hand-delivered to the DARE office (no email or fax accepted). Please call for an appointment to return the completed forms.
Disabled Adult Residential Enterprises
1616 E. 55th St.
Chicago IL 60615